Monday, July 30, 2018

How to Save Food

An estimated 36 million tonnes of food is wasted in Pakistan every year. This is equivalent to every citizen of Karachi, Lahore and Hyderabad tossing out entire lunches and dinners every day. Food wastage contributes to a world wide epidemic that poses a real threat to our future.
Although nothing can be done to solve this crisis overnight, steps taken at an individual level as an average citizen of this country can make a difference, even if it's a small one.
Food wastage can be reduced by a number of ways:

  1. Plan exact meals that you will have throughout the week (it does require some time and effort but is an easy enough habit to fall into)
  2. Not overbuy groceries and only purchase items you know you will use. Often times we buy things we might use but end up throwing it away after expiration.
  3. Composting is also an amazing and environmentally friendly way to reduce food wastage. Simple tutorials on how to start composting using merely a bucket and cloth can be found on YouTube: (6:55-8:40)
  4. Get creative with leftovers. Give them to the servants present in the house, the guards outside, any nearby place which accepts donations, or workers. Left over food can even be given to cats and dogs which is still a better alternative then letting it go to waste.
We hope you take our suggestions into account and try and implement some of the methods we have mentioned.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Introduction to Our Food Drives

Food is not just a precious commodity, it's a necessity. Yet, alarmingly, in our country, millions of people go to bed daily on an empty stomach. 

Not only is one-fifth of our population undernourished, but 18% experiences a complete dearth of food making hunger a critical issue. 

One of our team's motives is to not only inform people of the extent of hunger faced by many Pakistanis, but also try and help by conducting weekly food drives and distributions.
We are well aware of the fact that a small project may not move mountains or end world hunger, but it will make a difference both by making a lot of very difficult lives just a bit easier and enlightening our youth and making them empathize with the less privileged. 
Through our first project, we aim to do nothing more than just spread good and bring out the best in people. we encourage you to help out in any way you can, be it donation or your physical presence, as every bit of help can bring a smile to someone's face. With the facilities all of us possess, we can truly make a difference and play a part in attenuating hunger. 

This will be just one of the many projects we hope to conduct all year round to improve the lives of a few, if not many, people less fortunate than us.

Monday, July 9, 2018


"Bring To Light" is an organization focusing on philanthropy and social well being. Our ultimate objective is to bring to light some of the issues that plague the society, and when possible, create ways to combat them.
Along with discussing and raising awareness about issues pertinent to our society, we will be conducting numerous projects all year long, and be providing you with accounts on our social media. 
We're always looking to expand our team and are open to any suggestions you have to offer. You can also contact us and participate in any projects taking place. We want to provide a platform where you feel comfortable to raise your voice on any issue you see fit.

Help us in our journey to bring these underlying issues to light!

How to Save Food

An estimated 36 million tonnes of food is wasted in Pakistan every year. This is equivalent to every citizen of Karachi, Lahore and Hyderaba...
